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Service Times are Sundays at 10:30 am

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Christ Church is a new community of young and old, married and single, who have a genuine faith in God and a deep care for others. Regardless of who you are, or from where you come, at Christ Church you will be known and loved.


Christ Church is a non-denominational church in the Anglican Tradition. We are a warm and welcoming family of faith, seeking to reflect the Love, Grace, and Mercy of Christ, both among ourselves, and in the larger community.

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2025 01 05 Gene

2025 01 05 Gene



Fr. Dudley is a native of South Carolina.  He received his Bachelor’s Degree from Wofford College, his Master of Divinity from Vanderbilt University, and a Master’s in Sacred Theology from Yale.  He has been in ordained ministry for 40 years. 


Fr. Dudley has been involved in mission work with the poor, in Guatemala, Uganda, and the rebuilding of homes in the poorest communities of rural South Carolina and in New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. Locally, he has led his congregations in mission work with the poor and homeless in Leon and Gadsden County.  He is married to Belinda (a graduate of Converse College and Manhattan School of Music) for 39 years, and they have three adult children and two grandsons.

Fr Eric Dudley
Fr Gene Strickland


Fr. Gene Strickland is an Anglican Priest in the Anglican Mission International and the Founder and Lead Pastor of First Responders Initiative, a faith-based nonprofit ministry dedicated to serving Tallahassee’s Local First Responder Families. He also serves as a volunteer Chaplain to the members and families of the Leon County Sheriff’s Office. 


Fr. Gene is a Tallahassee native who, after his tour of duty in the U.S. Army, served over two decades in the Criminal Justice System, starting with the Leon County Sheriff’s Office, before being called to Ordained Ministry. He graduated from Florida State University with a Bachelor’s Degree in Criminology, and received his Masters of Divinity from The University of the South, Sewanee, TN. 


Fr. Eric Dudley
Fr. Gene Strickland


Eric Dudley
Marilynn Evert
Mary Pat Moore
Richard Moore
Mark Demont
J.C. O’Steen
Linda Recio

Clergy & Vestry
Home: Events List


  • Morning retreat with Fr. Eric: "Lectio Divina": an ancient way of praying through scripture
    Morning retreat with Fr. Eric: "Lectio Divina": an ancient way of praying through scripture
    Sat, Mar 22
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    Mar 22, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    Mar 22, 2025, 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM
    Christ Church Tallahassee
  • Bible Study - I and II Kings
    Bible Study - I and II Kings
    Varying dates and times in description
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    Varying dates and times in description
    Christ Church Tallahassee, 2100 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA
    Varying dates and times in description
    Christ Church Tallahassee, 2100 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA
    Mondays or Wednesdays join us at the Church for a study of I and II Kings
  • Weekly Sunday School
    Weekly Sunday School
    Adults at 9:30 AM & Children at 10:30 AM
    2100 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA
    Adults at 9:30 AM & Children at 10:30 AM
    2100 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA
    Adults at 9:30 AM & Children at 10:30 AM
    2100 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA
  •  Coffee and Creed
     Coffee and Creed
    Saturday, May 24 at 9am
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    Saturday, May 24 at 9am
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    Saturday, May 24 at 9am
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    A look at the Nicene Creed on its 1700th anniversary
  • Tour of the St. Thomas More Cathedral with Segundo Fernandez
    Tour of the St. Thomas More Cathedral with Segundo Fernandez
    Lent (TBD)
    St Thomas More Cathedral
    Lent (TBD)
    St Thomas More Cathedral
    Lent (TBD)
    St Thomas More Cathedral
  • Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
    Shrove Tuesday Pancake Supper
    March 4th at 5:30 PM
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    March 4th at 5:30 PM
    Christ Church Tallahassee
    March 4th at 5:30 PM
    Christ Church Tallahassee
  • Palm Cross Collection
    Palm Cross Collection
    Tallahassee, 2100 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA
    Tallahassee, 2100 Thomasville Rd, Tallahassee, FL 32308, USA
    Please place your palm crosses in the basket provided at the church.  These crosses will be used to make the ashes for Ash Wednesday.


Paul and Mary Pat

We are so blessed to be a part of the loving, caring family of faith that is Christ Church Tallahassee.   

Beautiful Christ-centered liturgy, joy-filled worship and fellowship,  and a servant community focused on the well-being of others…It is with grateful hearts that we share in this very special place where God’s love and grace and mercy abound


Christ Church is a true blessing to our family. Everyone knows and cares for one another in the sweetest and simplest of ways. We feel a genuine and supportive connection with our clergy and our parish family, and we love our church!

Mike and Cindy

We are Mike and Cindy Townsend. We have been members of Episcopal and Anglican churches in West Virginia, Colorado, Ohio and now Florida. We are grateful to be members of Christ Church. We love the beauty of Anglican worship and have cherished working side by side with our church family to create this place to worship and grow together as a Christian family. It is wonderful to hear the truth of Christ joyfully proclaimed each Sunday by Father Eric and Father Gene. We are excited to see the wonderful plans the Lord has for our future here at Christ Church Tallahassee.



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